Congratulations you made it to your senior year!
It's going to go by quickly.
You will be receiving a binder with important graduation, scholarship, and college information. Please use it and let me know if there are other things we can add to it.
Below are a few important things to consider in the next few months:
Please continue to check your emails, college portals, and personal emails. They are great sources of information and can help guide you through this process - from me and your college!
I know some of you feel lost and you may not have come to see me BUT here is a list of things you should be doing for the next few months - you are almost done!
We are on our last stretch!
Starting in the 2021-2022 school year, all high school seniors must submit a financial aid application to graduate. Yes, it’s true. The State of Texas has made the FAFSA a graduation requirement!
The date of completion goes on your transcript.
Proper Interaction with Peace Officer
Senate Bill (SB) 30 required the State Board of Education to adopt a rule (Title 19) that required students in grades 9-12 to complete instruction on proper interaction with peace officers.
The date of completion goes on your transcript.
CPR Training
State law (TEC §28.0023) requires school districts to provide instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to students and students must receive instructions at least once before graduating.
The date of completion goes on your transcript.
Our community has graciously contributed many of the scholarships below however there are many local, regional, and national scholarships included. Emails are sent out periodically to seniors to remind them of deadlines and submission requirements. I have also hosted a Scholarship Workshop for all seniors to help them edit and submit scholarships as well as complete reference letters upon request. Please work with your student to ensure they have submitted all necessary paperwork to me prior to submission. I try to submit the application at least two weeks before the deadline.
All scholarship information can be found on the Counselor’s Google Classroom.
Being College Career and Military Readiness (CCMR) ready means that high school students are prepared for life after graduation. HB 22 made CCMR an important part of preparing students for college, the workforce, or the military. If you aren’t sure whether or not you have met the CCMR requirements, speak with your counselor.
Readiness indicators are achieved by: